Puppies - Parr and Beamer Cross : Decemember 10, 2017

Vesper Aussies is proud to announce that the Parr/Beamer cross is finally here! This litter was born on Dec 10, 2017, and all 8 puppies are healthy and energetic.

A few reservations are still being taken on this litter, and puppies should be ready for their new homes by the first weekend in February 2018. Please contact us for more information and stay tuned for picture and info updates on this exciting litter!


Color:Black Tri Female
Size:19.5 inches 42 lbs.
Eyes:HSF4 Clear
Parr is our keeper puppy out of the Click/Ecko cross from our December 2011 litter. She is a very sweet and fun-loving girl that gets along great with our other Aussies. She started her show career with a Best of Breed Puppy and has kept up the momentum, taking many Best of Breed out of the classes and finishing up her AKC Championship in just a few months.


Color:Red Merle Male
Size:21 inches 60 lbs.
Eyes:HSF4 Clear
Beamer is a handsome, up-and-coming young dog who finished both his AKC and ASCA Championship at a very young age. He is super sweet guy.

Puppy Pedigree

col: sire*AKC / ASCA Xsell Spotlight on Northbay; col: *AKC/ASCA CH Northbay's Who Dat N Bayouland; Casselcreek's B'Witchin Buff Cap; col: *GCHS CH Copperridges's Fire N Bayouland; *AKC CH Northbay's Who's That; *AKC / ASCA CH Hearthside Nothin To Lose CGC DNA-VP; *CH Buff Cap Belle Bottom Blues; col: *HOF HOFX BIS AKC GCH AKC/ASCA/CKC CH Bayouland Creme Brulee CGC DNA-CP; *CH Fiann's Silver Sweet Sound; Northbay Westridge Brass Kmotion; *CH Northbay's Xquisite; *AKC / ASCA CH Rainydays Desperado DNA-VP; *AKC/ASCA CH Hearthside Say Goodnite Gracie NA DNA-CP; Harmony Hill's Smooth Ride; Buff Cap Sophia Loren;
col: dam*GCH CH AKC/ASCA CH Vesper's Country Club DNA-VP; col: *AKC/ASCA CH Poinsett's Lock-N-Load DNA-VP Black C/W RF; *ASCA CH Aileana's Dizzy Delight DNA-CP Black C/W; col: *AKC/ASCA CH Poinsett's Spit-N-Polish DNA-CP Black C/W RF; *AKC/ASCA CH Gefion's Front Page DNA-VP Blue C/W; *AKC CH Idlewilds Reason To Be Vain Blue C/W; *ASCA CH Tuscaroras You're So Smitten Black C/W RF; col: *AKC/ASCA CH Poinsett's Heartbeat Red C/W; *AKC/ASCA CH Arboretum's Juniper; *AKC CH Gefion's Herald PT Blue C/W; *AKC CH Gefion's Beware HT; *AKC CH Thornapple Dream Lover Blue C/W; *CH Thurnapple Hot Country Jam Black C/W; *ASCA CH Dixianas Dance Fever HOF Red C/W; Idlewild Yuletide Surprise Blue C/W;