Cam Winner's Dog & Best of Winners
Oct. 2012 - Marietta, GA
Cam Winner's Dog & Best of Winners
05/05/12 - Newnan, GA / Franklin, TN
During the weekend of 03/31/12 - 04/01/12, Cam went Winner's Dog and Best of Winners in Newnan,GA on both days for 2 pts under AKC Judge Mr. Robert L. Vandiver and AKC Judge Sheree W Moses.
On April 28/29, Cam went Winners Dog and Best Of Breed over specials in Franklin,TN for a 4 pt major under AKC Judge Richard F. Greathouse MD.
Cam Shows His Stuff!
05/01/11 - Franklin, TN
Today at the Maury County AKC Show in Franklin, TN, Cam earned Winner's Dog, Best of Winners, and Best Opposite Sex for two points towards his AKC Championship. Cider also earned
select bitch with two points towards her AKC Grand Championship her first time out as a special.
We would like to thank Judge David Bollus for recognizing our dogs!
New ASCA Champion!!
03/19/11 - Cartersville, GA

This Saturday afternoon at the GASSC Spring Fling in Cartersville, GA, Cam FINISHED his ASCA Championship, going Winner's Dog and Best of Winners out of the 6-9 puppy class for a 4 point major! It's hard to believe that this mature looking handsome boy is still so young. As you can imagine, we are totally proud of Cam.
Thanks to AKC Judge Anne Cross for finishing our boy, and a big thanks to Joni Johnson of TerraBlue for this fabulous guy.
Cam and Cider come home with 5 POINT MAJORS!
03/16/11 - Franklin, TN

This past weekend (March 10-13), we traveled up to Franklin, Tennessee to the Music City Cluster AKC show. On Saturday, BOTH Cam and Cider earned 5 point majors
under Judge Kim Ramey-LeBlanc. Cider also earned Best of Winners. Needless to say, it was an exciting weekend and both dogs showed beautifully. Stay tuned for upcoming pictures.
Cam Reserve Winner's Dog!
02/06/11 - Atlanta, GA

Cam's first time out in AKC, he took Reserve Winner's Dog to a 4 point major under Judge Richard Lewis. Our boy had lots of competition even in his class due to the
low entry fees, and he showed quite well for such a young age. We'll post his AKC win shot once it comes in the mail, so stay tuned.
Cam Winner's Dog and Best of Winner's (5 point major)
01/29/11 - Baker, FL

Cam gets a 5 point major and Best of Winner's under Judge Andrea Torres at the FL Pan-Handlers ASC "Doggie Dash" in Baker, FL.
Cam gets 2 Majors in his second weekend out!
01/29/11 - Baker, FL

This past weekend, we drove down to Baker Florida in the Florida pan-handle for the Doggie Dash - Pan Handlers ASC INC show. Even though the drive was long, it was well worth it!
Our boy Cam took a 4 point major and Best of Winner's out of the 6-9 puppy class in the AM show, AND a 5 point major and Best of Winner's in the PM show.
We would like to thank Judges Susan Moorehead and Andrea Torres for recognizing our young and handsome upcoming boy. A big thank you to the Pan-Handlers ASC for
hosting such a well run show. We will certainly be back again.
Cam Winner's Dog (2 Points)
01/08/11 - Chamblee, GA

Cam goes Winner's Dog out of the 6-9 class under Judge Trisha Herring at the GAASC Paw and Thaw show.
Cam Reserve Winner's Dog
01/08/11 - Chamblee, GA

Cam goes Reserve Winner's Dog to a major under Judge Kim Base at the GAASC Paw and Thaw show.
Cam Best of Breed Puppy
12/05/10 - Chamblee, GA

Cam goes Best of Bred puppy under judge Helena Yates at the GAASC Toys for Tots fund raiser show.
Cam Best of Breed Puppy
10/03/10 - Cartersville, GA

Cam goes Best of Bred puppy in three of the four shows this weekend.
Cam Best of Breed Puppy
09/11/10 - Woodstock, GA

Cam goes Best of Bred puppy three out of the four shows this weekend.